NBHerald Reader: “Stewart is a Visionary Leader.”

To The Editor:

I have owned a home in New Britain since 1990. I am amazed with the progress we are seeing in New Britain. Every where you look, from the Beehive Bridge, to our parks, Mayor Erin Stewart is helping to bring much-needed improvements to our City’s infrastructure. Mayor Stewart is a visionary leader who is laying the groundwork for a much more prosperous and vibrant New Britain. I can’t wait to see the positive effect that all of these new developments have on our City, especially with Columbus Commons and the arrival of more than 150 new residents over the next two years. This type of development just doesn’t happen without the right leadership. I want this progress to continue, that’s why I’ll be supporting Mayor Stewart on November 5.

John Buckley

New Britain

This letter originally appeared in the New Britain Herald on September 18. 2019.